Swallow Class
Happy New Year! We are looking forward to a busy half term in Swallow Class with lots of exciting learning ahead. In science we will be investigating sound: how it's made, how it travels and what we can do to affect pitch and volume. Our history topic sees us travel thousands of years back in time to Ancient Egypt where we will learn about the achievements of this incredible civilisation. We are especially looking forward to an Egyptian workshop later in the half term where we will be hosting Those History People - more details to follow! In art, we will be working on paper and digitally to explore pattern design and create some repeat patterns of our own. Please note our PE days have changed to Mondays and Wednesdays this half term.
For more information and detail about this term's curriculum subjects, please see the General Information section, and find the Curriculum Overview document at the bottom of the page. Please also see the Home Learning page for more information about supporting the children's learning at home.
This term, PE days will be on MONDAY and Wednesday. On these days children should come into school wearing their PE kits. As a reminder, this should be a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers (weather dependant), and their school sweatshirt or fleece. Long hair should be tied back, and earrings should be covered or removed. Please do not send your child to school in non-school uniform items on PE days, such as hoodies or other sportswear from clubs.
Staff in Swallow Class:
Mrs Baucher-Webb: class teacher - Monday - Friday (excluding Wednesday afternoons)
Mr Thompson: learning support assistant - Wednesday, Thursday morning, Friday
Mrs Tarring: learning support assistant - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoon
Mrs Durrant - PPA Cover (PE), Wednesday
CVC Spanish Teachers - PPA Cover, Wednesday