Spring Term 2025 in Robin Class
Here you will find the essential information for Robin Class.
Morning Routines
Please bring your children to the school playground at 8.40 am where Robin Class Staff will be there to greet them at the Robin Class gate. If you need to pass on quick messages, such as a change in collection arrangements, or letters this is a good time to do so. Once inside, the children will hang up their coats, put their bookbags into the trays before exploring the areas of provision in the classroom.
End of the Day Routines
Children in Robin Class exit through the blue gates adjacent to the classroom and are collected from the playground at 3.20 pm. (Kingfisher class will be exiting from the blue gates onto the playground from the Robin outside area.) We will keep the children behind the gate until their family member (or nominated other) is identified. Where pick up is late for any reason, children will be taken back into school and will wait to be collected from the reception area. Please can you make sure that if your child is being collected by a nominated other that you have either spoken to Mrs Hedges at drop off or have emailed the school office before the end of the school day.
Essential Equipment for Everyday
If you have a quick, non-urgent message to relay or question to ask regarding the day ahead, please have a quick word on the playground in the morning before the line up bell rings.
Urgent messages should come through the office, either by telephone (01223 262474) or by email (Office@barton.cambs.sch.uk) as these will be dealt with immediately.
You can email Mrs Hedges at ahedges@barton.cambs.sch.uk. Generally speaking, however, teaching staff cannot access their emails during the school day.
In Robin Class we use the Seesaw app to communicate the children’s learning and achievements between home and school. We will share your child’s learning and ‘wow moments’ on Seesaw which you can access at home. We also love to see what the children are doing at home so please do share photos of any special news or activities via the messaging feature.
Our Class PE days this half term will be Monday and Friday.
Please send your child into school in their school PE Kits on those days.
Our PE Kits are a plain white t-shirt with black shorts. On colder days, plain jogging bottoms and plain (or school) sweat shirt should be included. Velcro trainers are preferable if your child does not know how to tie their own laces.
Breaks and Lunchtimes
Morning break is at 10:30 each day. Children in EYFS and KS1 are provided with a free fruit or vegetable snack each day which the children enjoy together before break. If you prefer to, you can of course provide your own healthy, nut-free morning snack instead, or in addition to. Lunches will be eaten together in the hall, starting at 12.05 pm.