Home Page

General Information

Here you will find the essential information for Swallow Class. Please note the change in PE days and other updates, such as the curriculum overview. 


Everyday Essentials

  • A named water bottle
  • A named waterproof coat
  • A named change of footwear and joggers to access the field at break times
  • Reading record and reading book
  • As the weather becomes warmer, please ensure children have a named hat and suncream in school. 

Children do not need their own pencilcases or stationery items in school. 



Times Tables

As per the National Curriculum, by the end of year 3, children should know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. By the end of year 4, children need to know all of the multiplication facts up to 12x12. Year 4 children will also take the Government Multiplication Tables Check in June. As such, we focus greatly in Swallow Class on learning times tables and start the process as quickly as we can. Please see the Home Learning Section for more information about times tables in Swallow Class.  



PE will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this term. On Tuesdays, Swallow class will be swimming. Please send your child to school in their PE kit, with their swim kit in a named bag.

On swimming days, children should bring:

- A swimming bag

- A swimming costume (one piece for girls, please)

- A towel

- Outdoor shoes to wear from the classroom to the pool, such as crocs (NOT their school shoes!)

Long hair should be tied up, and earrings should be removed. Please clearly name all items. 


Home Learning Projects

 Every child will be expected to complete a Home Learning Project each half term. These can be found in the 'Home Learning' section. The best projects tend to be those started in good time. We will draw the children's attention to the location of the projects on the website, and talk through the options so that they are all aware of the possibilities and expectations. A summary of possibilities and guidance can be found in the Home Learning section. Please see the ParentMail email for details of when presentations need to be brought into school. 



Children will bring home each week's spellings in their spelling books on Fridays, which should be returned to school in time for their spelling tests the following Thursday.  


Morning Routines

The school gates will open at 8:40am each morning for the children to assemble on the playground. Teachers will be on the playground from 8:45am to greet the children and collect any messages, if needed (please see below for more information about communication). The bell will ring so that children can be in class promptly at 8:50 am.


Break and lunch routines 

All children have a morning break each day. Each child should bring a healthy, nut-free snack to school. Children who do not have snacks at break time often struggle to focus after break, when their energy begins to fall and their hunger rises. Lunches will be eaten together in the hall, starting at 12.15pm.  


End-of-the-day routines

Children in Swallow Class will be walked through the school at 3.20pm to be collected from the playground by an adult family member.  They will be asked to stay with the class group until a family member (or nominated other) is identified. If you have arranged for your child to go home with someone other than the usual person, please let the office know by email or the teachers know in person that morning. Where pick-up is late for any reason, children will be taken back into the school to wait and family members should go to the reception area instead.



If you have a quick, non-urgent message to relay or a question to ask the teaching team regarding the day ahead, please have a quick word in the playground in the morning before the line-up bell. 


Urgent messages should come through the office, either by telephone (01223 262474) or by email  ( as these will be dealt with immediately.  Generally speaking, teaching staff cannot access their emails during the school day. 


If you would like to contact the teaching staff, particularly if you would like to make an appointment for a longer discussion, please email and cc both teachers into your communication.  Whichever teacher is "on duty" that day will respond as quickly as they can, normally on the same day. (Mon-Thurs) (Fri)


Useful documents

Below, please see a summary of the curriculum areas we shall be covering across this half term. For information regarding how to support your children with their learning at home, please see the Home Learning section. 



