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Owl Y6

Owl Class


Happy New Year and welcome to the spring term! Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement for the children in the autumn term and your kind gifts at Christmas - it is all very much appreciated. The children have made some fantastic progress so far this year – books are getting filled with all their hard work. Our class gallery has been updated so check it out if you want to see owl’s class amazing projects.


This term, year 6 will read and explore in depth Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen . In History, we will transport ourselves to Anglo-Saxons times, and in science we will classify many living things following Carl Linnaeus teachings.  For more information about this term's learning, have a look at the Curriculum Overview document in the General Information section. 


This term PE days will continue to be Thursdays and Friday.  As the weather continues to wet and cold, please ensure your child has suitable (school) PE kit for outdoor PE and playtimes, including a waterproof coat and appropriate footwear


Staff in Owl Class:

Mr Pastor - Class Teacher, Monday - Friday

Ms Kusina - Teaching Assistant, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Mrs Mcneil – PPA cover
