During the school day it is the aim of our staff to act in loco parentis by ensuring the safety and welfare of each child, by creating a happy and well-ordered environment where learning can take place. We encourage a 'caring and sharing' attitude, an awareness of the needs and feelings of others and the development of self-discipline.
To support this aim we have devised a set of rules, simple but hopefully effective, and capable of being understood by the youngest child. The children know that they are part of a community where we are polite to each other, we treat everyone with respect and verbal and physical abuse is not tolerated.
The Barton Bs:
We listen carefully to instructions
We are calm and orderly
We take care of our school
We consider our impact on others
We are in the right place at the right time
We are kind, we are polite, we are honest
We treat others as we would like to be treated
We show compassion and empathy
We recognise and celebrate individuality and difference
We value teamwork
We listen, we enquire, we think
We let others learn
We persevere and are not afraid of making mistakes
We actively challenge ourselves and ask for help if we need it
We come to school ready to learn
If our code of conduct is broken the matter is dealt with firmly and fairly by a member of staff. If misbehaviour is persistent or serious in nature, the Headteacher will be involved and will inform parents concerned.
We expect high standards of behaviour from the children, and we look to parents to support us with this. This link and our expectations are formalised in our Home School Agreement and Whole School Behaviour Policy, supported by the School Code of Conduct and Playground Code of Conduct agreed with pupils annually.
Barton School recognises that there is a need, reflected in common law, to intervene when there is an obvious risk of safety to our pupils, staff and property. Barton School is committed to ensuring that all staff and adults with responsibility for children’s safety and welfare will deal professionally with all incidents involving aggressive or reckless behaviour, and only use physical intervention as a last resort in line with DfE and LA advice. Parents of the child concerned will be informed after a non-routine incident where physical intervention is used.
Copies of Barton School's Whole School Behaviour Policy and Anti Bullying Policy are available for download in pdf format: