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The Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the efficient running of the School including the appointment of staff, managing the budget and overseeing the curriculum. The full Governing Body meets once every half term, and additional meetings are called as necessary. There are sub-committees for Standards and for Resources. Standards Committee focuses on the curriculum, teaching and learning and Resources Committee focuses finance, premises and human resources.

There are currently four vacancies for Foundation Governors: a Principal Officiating Minister of Grantchester Parish, a Foundation Governor to be appointed by Grantchester Parochial Church Council and two Foundation Governors to be appointed by the Diocese of Ely. Please contact the Chair for further information: 


The normal membership of the Governing Body comprises:


  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Representative
  • 2 Staff Governors (including the Headteacher)
  • 1 Co-opted Governor
  • 8 Foundation Governors appointed by:
    • Ely Diocesan Board of Education and Training (4)
    • Barton PCC (1)
    • Grantchester PCC (1)
    • Ex officio (2 - the Principal Officiating Ministers of the ecclesiastical parishes of Barton and Grantchester)