Spring Term 2025 in Kingfisher class
Morning routines:
Please bring your children to the school playground at 8.40 am where Kingfisher Class staff will be there to greet them. If you need to pass on quick messages or letters this is a good time to do so. Between 8.45 and 8.50 am the school bell will ring and all the children will line up with the classes before heading in to start their learning. Once inside, the children will hang up their coats and bags and start their morning activity. As we have limited cloakroom space school bookbags should be used when possible and can be stored in the childrens' trays.
Break and lunch time routines
As normal, all children have a morning break each day. Each child should bring a healthy, nut-free snack to school. Children who do not have snacks at break time often struggle to focus after break, when their energy begins to fall and their hunger rises. Please ensure any containers are named, so they can be returned to their owners should they wander off! Afternoon breaks are at the discretion of the teaching staff. Lunches will be eaten together in the hall, starting at 12.15 pm.
A hot lunch can be ordered each day and a ParentMail has been sent out to you summarising how this will work this term. Alternatively, you may prefer to send your child with a packed lunch from home and we are grateful to all of you who make sure that it is nut-free and as healthy as possible. Children will not have access to their packed lunch boxes after registration, so please make sure that named snacks are stored separately in their school bags.
End of day routines
Children in Kingfisher Class will be walked through the school at 3.20 pm to be collected from the playground by an adult family member. If you have arranged for your child to go home with someone other than the usual person, please let the office know by email or the teachers know in person that morning. They will be asked to stay with the class group until a family member (or nominated other) is identified. Where pick-up is late for any reason, children will be taken back into the school to wait and family members should go to the reception area instead.
Everyday resources
If you have a quick, non-urgent message to relay or a question to ask the teaching team regarding the day ahead, please have a quick word in the playground in the morning before the line-up bell. It is helpful if the message is summarised on a post-it or similar.
Urgent messages should come through the office, either by telephone (01223 262474) or by email (Office@barton.cambs.sch.uk) as these will be dealt with immediately. Generally speaking, teaching staff cannot access their emails during the school day.
If you would like to contact the teaching staff, particularly if you would like to make an appointment for a longer discussion, please email aburn@barton.cambs.sch.uk
PE days will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the children can come to school with their PE kits on. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct PE kit on these days.
As a reminder PE kit should be: