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HM Government SEND Review: Right support, Right place,  Right time

At Barton we are determined to meet the educational needs of all our pupils.


The school caters for the needs of all pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, with and without statements. All teachers plan, set and mark work that is appropriate and relevant to the individual needs of pupils. The school has adopted the graduated model of SEND assessment and provision recommended by Cambridgeshire LA. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is responsible for overseeing assessment and provision.


Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are encouraged to become increasingly independent and take responsibility within the school.


  • The SEND Co-ordinator is Mrs Julie Martin
  • The named Governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is Rev Priscilla Slusar.


If you have any complaint about the special educational provision for your child, or about special educational needs or disabilities provision generally, please speak to the Headteacher, or to any member of the Governing Body. If you speak to a governor, she/he will, in the first instance, refer the matter to the Headteacher. The Headteacher will investigate and then contact you within 5 school days. If she has not resolved the matter to your satisfaction, it will be referred to the SEND governor, who will consider the complaint at their next meeting and contact you within 5 school days from the date of the meeting.


A copy of our SEND Information Report is available to download:
