Kingfisher Class
It's a new year and we are looking forward to welcoming the new members of our Kingfisher Class. We've got a very exciting half term ahead!
In English, we will start by creating information posters about one of our class books, before moving onto examining poetry.
In Science, we will be studying what animals need to be healthy and learning about their habitats.
In Geography, our class will learn about the continents and oceans of our world, as well as the different countries in the United Kingdom.
In Art, we will be exploring the use of our imagination to create our own art, while in Music we will be practising our use of pulse and rhythm.
In RWE, we are studying the Christian Creation Story and understanding how Christians show thanks for the world.
In PSHE, we will be looking at the start of the new school year and how to build positive relationships within our class and lives.
This term our PE days will be on Monday and Tuesday.
On these days children should come into school wearing their PE kits. As a reminder, this should be a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers (weather dependent), and their school sweatshirt or fleece. Long hair should be tied back, and earrings should be covered or removed. Please do not send your child to school in non-school uniform items on PE days, such as hoodies or other sportswear from clubs.
On the first Wednesday of each month, with the odd exception, we would like to invite parents, carers or any family member dropping off a Kingfisher Class child to come into class before registration and sit alongside them for a few minutes. 'Welcome Wednesday' is an opportunity to share in the children's work, read with them, or simply discuss the current learning summarised on our classroom working walls. We hope this will become a precious and rewarding 10 minutes for the whole school community to get together regularly in class. We hope to see you there!
Please do look at the General Information page where you will find a summary of this half term's learning, an example timetable and lots of other useful information.
Staff in Kingfisher class:
Mr Burn- Monday to Friday
Mrs Durrant- Monday to Thursday