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Kingfisher Y1/Y2

 Kingfisher Class


Welcome back to Kingfisher class everyone, I hope we had a nice winter break!

It is Spring 1 half term and we have a lot of exciting things to learn over the next 6 weeks.


In English we will be starting with instruction writing and then move onto writing our own narrative based on the book Supertato.

In Maths the Y1s will be moving up to understanding place value within 20 and then addition and subtraction using the same numbers. Y2s will be starting with multiplication and division this term while continuing to review our work with addition and subtraction up to 100. Both Y1 and Y2 will be working on our understanding of length and height.

In RWE we will be looking at the Parable of the Lost Son to examine how Christians understand and communicate with their God.

In Geography we will be comparing Jamaica with East Anglia to understand the similarities and differences between our physical and human features, weather, and lifestyle.

In Science we will be looking at objects that bounce, stretch, bend, and twist with the hope of putting our knowledge to use in building a paper bridge toward the end of the term.

In Art we will be studying artists with synaesthesia and considering the connection between music and art.

In Music we will be looking at call and response using our voices and untuned instruments.

In PE we will be practicing running in zigzag and curved lines, as well as developing our team-working skills.




This term our PE days will be on Tuesday and Thursday


On these days children should come into school wearing their PE kits. As a reminder, this should be a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers (weather dependent), and their school sweatshirt or fleece. Long hair should be tied back, and earrings should be covered or removed. Please do not send your child to school in non-school uniform items on PE days, such as hoodies or other sportswear from clubs.


On the first Wednesday of each month, with the odd exception, we would like to invite parents, carers or any family member dropping off a Kingfisher Class child to come into class before registration and sit alongside them for a few minutes.  'Welcome Wednesday' is an opportunity to share in the children's work, read with them, or simply discuss the current learning summarised on our classroom working walls.  We hope this will become a precious and rewarding 10 minutes for the whole school community to get together regularly in class. We hope to see you there!


Please do look at the General Information page where you will find a summary of this half term's learning, an example timetable and lots of other useful information. 


Staff in Kingfisher class:

Mr Burn- Monday to Friday

Mrs Durrant- Monday to Thursday

