Robin Class
A warm welcome to Robin Class – SpringTerm 2025 part i
Happy New Year! The Robins have had a brilliant first term and have been regularly complimented by staff around school for how well they have settled in, and how great they are at showing our Barton Bs and school values - well done Robins! This half term we are going to be wrapping up warm as we start to look at life in the Arctic! We'll be learning all about the Arctic Circle in Geography, and about how Arctic explorers live and survive in sub-zero conditions.
Have a look at our Curriculum Boxes on the general information page to find out further details about what we we will be learning about this half term.
We love celebrating and learning about the rich diversity we have with our Robin Class family. We always welcome family visitors who can talk to the children about their culture or any festivals they celebrate. If you would be interested in doing this at any point during the year, please do contact Mrs Hedges. Details of the best ways to communicate with the staff can be found on the General Information page.
Please note that this term our PE lessons will take place on Monday and Friday afternoons. We invite the children to come into school wearing their PE kits. As a reminder, this should be a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers (weather dependent), and their school sweatshirt or fleece. Long hair should be tied up, and earrings should be covered or removed.
Please take time to have a look at the General Information section to familiarise yourself with all the essential information about being in Robin Class. Refer to the Home Learning section for additional information about learning you can do at home. In the Phonics section you will find videos of how to say and write the sounds and digraphs that we learn in Phonics during Reception and Year 1. Our Gallery section will be updated regularly with photos about what we are getting up to.
On the first Wednesday of each month, with the odd exception, we would like to invite parents, carers or any family member dropping off a Robin Class child to come into class before registration and sit alongside them for a few minutes. 'Welcome Wednesday' is an opportunity to share in the children's work, read with them, or simply discuss the current learning summarised on our classroom working walls. We hope this will become a precious and rewarding 10 minutes for the whole school community to get together regularly in class.
Staff in Robin Class:
Mrs Hedges - Class Teacher
Mrs McNeil - Teaching Assistant Monday-Wednesday (Teaching Science on Tuesday afternoon)
Mrs Nicklin - Teaching Assistant Thursday-Friday
Mrs Kim - Teaching Assistant Tuesday-Wednesday afternoons
Mr Thompson and Mrs Kim - 1-1 Teaching Assistant