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Medical Conditions

We have a range of policies to ensure that pupils are supported with their medical conditions in school both in the short- and long-term. (Please see the documents at the bottom of the page).


If your child requires medicine to be given at school, we ask parents to ensure the following:

  • that medicine is clearly labelled with the child's name, date, contents and dosage. Medicine should be brought to school in the original container supplied by the doctor or pharmacist;
  • that medicine is delivered personally by the parent/guardian to the school office for registering;
  • that parents complete a Medical Consent form authorising administration.


We are currently working towards becoming an Asthma Friendly School, and are keen to ensure that all pupils with asthma are able to participate fully in school life.


In conjunction with the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough CYP Community Asthma Team, we have reviewed our Asthma Policy and procedures to ensure that we have robust systems in place to support pupils who have been diagnosed with asthma. This includes:

  • An Asthma Register
  • An Emergency Medication Kit
  • Requesting a copy of the Personalised Asthma Action Plan (PAAP) for each child with asthma
  • Children and Young People (CYP) Asthma Training for all staff
  • Recording and sharing information as appropriate.


Asthma Inhalers

All children with asthma should always have immediate access to their reliever (usually blue) inhaler and age-appropriate spacer. Children are encouraged to carry their reliever inhaler as soon as they are responsible enough to do so. We would expect this to be by Key Stage 2. However, we will discuss this with each child's parent/carer and teacher. Children in EYFS/Key Stage 1 should bring their inhaler to school in a clearly labelled, see-through plastic box. Inhalers for younger children will be safely stored in each classroom and taken outside by the teacher/supervisor at breaktimes and for activities such as PE.


The school has an emergency inhaler kit in accordance with Department of Health guidance, and parents of children with asthma will be asked for their consent to use this kit in the absence of the child's own inhaler.


Personal Asthma Action Plans

As a school we require that children with asthma have a personal asthma action plan which can be provided by their doctor or nurse. These plans inform us of the day-to-day symptoms of each child's asthma and how to respond to them on an individual basis. We will also send home our own information and consent form for every child with asthma each school year.

Individual Health Care Plans

If your child has any other chronic medical condition (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis, hearing loss), please inform the school office so that an IHP can be drawn up to identify the support that they may need in school to manage their condition safely.

