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E Safety

How to ensure your child is safe online

Gaming - parent advice (Minecraft)

KEY STAGE 1 - Watch Hector and his safety tips for using the internet 

Internet safety and cyberbullying

Hector's World

'Lee & Kim' Cartoon

If you have younger children from 4-7 years you could let them view this short 10 minute cartoon, which is designed to keep them safe whilst online.

KEY STAGE 2 - Kara Winston and the SMART crew help you with your internet safety

Chapter 1 - The Adventures of Kara Winston & the Smart Crew

Created by Firedog (

Chapter 2 - The Adventures of Kara Winston & the Smart Crew

Created by Firedog (

Chapter 3 -The Adventures of Kara Winston & the Smart Crew

Created by Firedog (

Chapter 4, The adventures of Kara, Winston and the smart crew

Uploaded by Clifford Boobyer on 2009-04-22.

Chapter 5, The adventures of Kara, Winston and the smart crew

Uploaded by Clifford Boobyer on 2009-04-22.
