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Times Tables

Multiplication Tables Check

In June children in Year 4 will take the statutory Multipliation Tables Check (MTC). The purpose of this check is to assess children's knowledge of times tables facts up to 12x12. Children will be shown times tables in a random order on an online programme, and have six seconds to input their answer. It is also crucial to prepare children for Year 5 for practicing tables regularly. The link below is an excellent resource to familiarise children with the format of the MTC, and provides feedback for the times tables they would benefit from practising more. 

Times Tables

In the Autumn term the children completed their taught sessions around times tables. Their maths learning now focuses on applying these learned facts. In order to support children with retaining these facts, as well as filling any gaps, all children have been given a Times Tables Practice Book. Children should complete 2-3 tests a week, eventually aiming to beat 2 minutes 30 seconds for each test. These books should be returned to school each Monday, where children who have completed their weekly tests will be awarded with house points. 


Times Tables Challenges

In Swallow Class children will be working through the Times Tables Challenges, to support children in learning and retaining their times tables. The National Curriculum expectation is that by the end of Year 4, children will know and be able to instantly recall all of their times tables up to 12x12, including division facts. This is to prepare them for the UKS2 mathematics curriculum. 


Children will progress through the levels by 'passing' individual tables, before tackling the final challenge for each level with a mix of all previously learned table. For example, to complete the 'Bronze' level, children must be able to answer 40 questions in 4 minutes from the 2x, 5x and 10x table. To complete the 'Silver', they must be able to answer 40 questions in 4 minutes from the 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x and 8x.


The goal of this challenge is to help children retain learned tables, whilst also learning new ones, and encourage all children to be able to quickly recall these facts within 6 seconds. It will also provide children with clear guidance as to which table they need to learn next to progress. Children will be able to track their own progress through the challenge and will be awarded with stickers and certificates. An example of a child's tracking sheet can be seen below: In this example, the child would be working on learning their 4x table next as well as revising previously learned tables.

An example of a child's Times Tables Tracker










By the end of Year 3, children should know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables (Silver level). By the end of Year 4, children should know all times tables up to 12x12 and related division facts (Diamond level).  


To support children in learning their times tables, practice sheets have been provided below. This website: is also excellent for creating instant practice sheets for the children, which encourages them to remember the facts instead of learning the order of the test questions. Children will be provided with opportunities to learn and rehearse times tables throughout the school week, but should also be regularly practicing their tables at home alongside their reading and spelling. 


In June, children in Year 4 will be participating in the Multiplication Tables Check. A document providing more information on this has been sent via ParentMail, and a parent information session will be provided in the Spring Term. 
