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Medical Conditions

In line with the LA Health and Safety policy relating to the Administration of Medicines in School, the following procedure is requested:


  • Parents are encouraged, in consultation with the child's doctor, to adjust the timing of the dose to avoid having to administer the treatment during the school day.
  • Where there is no feasible alternative to the administration of medicine in school
    • medicine should be delivered personally by parent/guardian to the school office for registering and parents must complete a Medical Consent form authorising administration. After administering the medicine an entry must be made in the Medicine Record book kept in the general office
    • medicine must be clearly labelled with child's name, date, contents and dosage. The original container supplied by doctor or pharmacist must be delivered to school
    • medicine will then be stored safely
  • Where inhalers have been given to children with asthma by a medical practitioner, the Health Authorities recommend these may be kept by those children who should use them as and when they think necessary. All diabetic pupils should carry glucose tablets on their persons. Teachers need to be informed of cases of asthma and diabetes.


Asthma inhalers

Our School Nurse advises us that every child diagnosed with asthma should have a regular update and have their own individual protocol. If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, please send in a copy of the protocol for your child or ask for a School Asthma Card to complete, so that this can be kept with your child's inhaler in school.


We ask that you check your child's medication regularly and that it is sent in to school with the prescribed spacer and the protocol or card in a clearly labelled, see-through plastic box, so that it can be kept in the classroom and taken on school trips. We should only have the blue inhalers in school.


Please be very clear whether your child suffers from asthma or whether they have just been given medication to help clear a congested chest after a cold, and update their medical details with us regularly.
